How to use coins as charms

Save or save in the form of coins used by our ancestors. This money saving is great if made right, activated and used. For the first time coin charms were mentioned in ancient Mesopotamia. After that, other world cultures began to use this artifact of money.

Save coins for good luck and wealth

How the coin became a talisman

Coins have always been associated with the energy of money. All countries in the world have savings coins. Its main properties are:

  • attract money profit;
  • paving the way for material flow;
  • protection from poverty and want;
  • debt recovery;
  • acceleration removes the yoke of credit;
  • get a job with a higher salary;
  • directing cash flow to homes, amassing wealth.
Save coins direct cash flow to the house, accumulate wealth

It is believed that the beginning of the creation of amulets was given by the Mesopotamian shekel: protecting the owners from losing their grains in common storage. In China, Nanbu coins attract happiness, money fortune. They are made of gold - a symbol of wealth.

The Romans first minted coins in honor of Juno. During the war with Pyrrhus, he protected military gains. Fortune holds a cornucopia by pouring coins. The power of the goddess who gives well -being is a strong confirmation of the magic of amulets.

What coins are suitable for creating amulets

Before making a savings, you need to familiarize yourself with which coins are suitable for this purpose. You can use the following coins:

  • brought from other countries;
  • old antique artifacts;
  • found on the street at night during a waxing moon;
  • normally, it can be transformed into an irreplaceable one with the help of rituals.

It is very important to only take real money for the ceremony. To save money, the following will not work:

  • broken, damaged coins;
  • souvenir money;
  • a copy you don't like.

If the purchased coin is not activated, it will not be a savings.

How to activate

It is recommended to buy coins from numismatists or choose the ones used in everyday life. Savings are made before the full moon or during the growing moon. The algorithm for performing the work is as follows:

To make amulets, it is recommended to choose coins that are used in daily life.
  1. All manipulations were performed during the day or night, alone.
  2. Not to be made while ill or in poor condition.
  3. Before the ceremony, you need to take a shower or bath, let go of your hair, take off jewelry.
  4. Cover the table with a green or black cloth.
  5. Add a bowl of salt and water, light incense and three green candles.
  6. Take the amulet in hand, ask him for help, dip it in water, then salt, bring it over the candle flame and over the smoke from the incense.
  7. Place a piece of red cloth on the window sill, place a coin on it, leave until the next morning.
  8. You need to charge it with your energy, because of this they hold it in their hands and ask for help.

It’s important to remember that strangers can’t see your savings. Better hide it under a pillow. Saving money should always be carried with you in your wallet.

How to clean

To clean the talisman, the energy of the moon and the sun is used

To clean the talisman, the energy of the moon and the sun is used. The coin was placed on the windowsill at night as the moon dried. During the day, it should be left in a place illuminated by direct sunlight.

To clean with the help of fire, you need to buy a green candle, thanks to the wealth of money that will attract. The wax from the lighted candle must be dripped onto the surface of the coin with the inscription:

"I'm not going to give it to anyone. I'm not going to lend it, I'm not going to exchange it. Send me money, good luck. Fill my pockets to boot. "

Hide it in the wallet so as not to come into contact with other money. You can’t tell anyone that you have such a talisman. If you lose it, you will need to replace the charm with another. From time to time have to pick him up, ask for help and thank him for his service.

The magical properties of government coins

The royal talisman in ancient times was made by a monk for a king who had just ascended the throne. Throughout the night, he worked to make amulets out of royal coins, talking to her in prayer. And in the morning the charged coin was presented to the king. Since that time, every king has had a similar coin. With its help, you can:

  • make the debtor return the money;
  • attract success in your own business;
  • increase your authority in the eyes of others;
  • quickly climb the career ladder;
  • to attract material wealth into life;
  • get a job with a better salary.

To make government savings, you must:

  • prepare a coin, a candle, a piece of red natural cloth;
  • wait for the full moon period, light a candle, take a coin;
  • close your eyes, describe the end result for yourself, place the object on the cloth;
  • leave overnight on the windowsill until the moonlight falls on it;
  • in the morning, place in a place where direct sunlight falls;
  • in the evening, wrap the coin in a cloth, hide it under your pillow;
  • get the amulet in the morning and use it.

With the right manufacture, refining and activation of coins, it can be a great money saver, with which you can attract the well -being of life, become more successful and wealthy.